As my father taught maths for 40 years then as others do I followed in his footsteps. I did teach high school maths for 13 years as I traveled & taught in 4 countries.

As many teachers do I wondered what it would be like working in another field.

I plunged into financial services which those days meant a manual rate book & my first sale was a 100K life & TPD cover & the premium was 33P.m. & fortunately the client Michael didn't need the cover which he kept for 20 years.

The best years in my life have been in the last 15 years as I have been the limousine driver for the family & dropped them off & picked them up most days of the week.

This has given us all to have great chats both ways as we are sitting side by side talking from the serious to the ridiculous.

I am also harking back now to our maths teaching & helping the family with their maths study when asked. The basics haven't changed & we all feel good when a small or big answer is found.

So for 34 years I have been sitting side by side with clients & assisting them solving their financial problems incrementally. I have over the last few years been helping them with a simple test.

'What would i do if it was my financial problem'?

Yes we are a very small business & so we like to look after the little guy as i am one. i have always been non aligned which is aligned to my political views of non aligned and libertarian. note our dealer is not owned by any institution & we avoid all the big boys whenever possible.

I still enjoy teaching & every teacher wants their student to pass.

Yes more often.

Ps Our 'wellness' is a core belief of ours as great health is a core need for all.

John Michael McAuliffe AFA, DipFp., BSc., DipTeach.