Yes, how do lose weight & other wanderings as we wandered off the Reunification line from Danang to Saigon.

Our simple plan was that the trip itself takes 12 hours & has only 3 or 4 stops.

Why not hop off at each stop & explore what all the heavily marketed tours to our age cohort miss.

First stop was Route :  DA NANG - DIEU TRI, SE1 (1141/1726)
Type of ticket:   A/C soft seat

Just where is Dieu Tri & yes you gather the French influence is still here when each station name has a ‘Ga’ in front.

It is in fact the station for a small city Quy Nhon which does have a great location on a bay. As there was in a past war an airstrip on the beachfront then the city does have a very attractive presentation & hence our random pick for a hotel.

So the no 1 place to see here according to Tripadvisor is actually a 10K trip to ‘Life is a Beach’   although the fishing village is actually Bai Xep. It won’t get any better if you wait another 2 years to visit there. We mentioned the Haven last time. Yes any beach is great for body & soul & relationships.

Next stop is Route 2:            DIEU TRI - NHA TRANG -1338/1743/0230+1)
Type of ticket:   A/C soft seat

Don’t believe the soft seats as this is pre several wars train carriages where we rumbled on through the countryside which is still very traditional rice growing & very labour intensive. We may have seen one tractor on the whole journey.

Nha Trang is Vietnams 4th largest city & until we disembarked at the Ga we were completed ignorant about it. However the Russians are very aware as there are Russian Minimarts, Russians menus & a Surfers Paradise beachfront of all the major hotel chains. And that is not the only place they are flying directly to according to our local Vietnamese baker. One highlight there was rewatching the RWC final when we first crashed in our hotel room. [what was the score?]

Our next stop Route 3:            NHA TRANG - BINH THUAN,   SE5(1144/1614)
Type of ticket:   A/C hard sleeper 6  berths sharing cabin

Yes a cabin with 6 bunks in it but fortunately only 3 of us in that but we couldn’t sit up straight which meant we stood & viewed the world as we rocked & rolled past.

Binh Thuan, now where is that & why does the reunification train stop as it is a fast 40 minute taxi to the next hotel. We discovered that yes The Russians have arrived at Mui Ne. Yes the beach is picture perfect with coconut palms all along. In between ordering the omelette & having it we walked the 5 m to the beach& swam. How good is that! Mam says ‘thank god you are not Russian’ .

Final stop Route 4:            BINH THUAN - SAIGON, SPT1(1332/1714)
Type of ticket:   A/C soft seat

Saigon & yes the beer is good. It was here when we turned right on the first stay to explore that we admitted that yes we must have lost some weight. Yes we needed a belt as the shorts were slipping down.

So yes to lose weight

·         Enjoy the included breakfast at the hotel.

·         Walk 2 hours in the am in 30C & repeat another 2 hours in the arvo.

·         As you don’t feel the need or have the social reasons to dine in the evening then enjoy 2 Saigon beers.

·         Repeat for 2 weeks wandering on foot.

Yes it is that simple.

& yes it is a future financial matter for us all as we read.

Globally, obesity is an increasing problem. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. And it’s clear from WHO that the size of the problem is growing with the prevalence of obesity nearly doubling between 1980 and 2008 . In 2008 it was estimated that 1.4 billion adults were considered overweight and more than 500 million were obese. Around the world, obesity is believed to contribute to approximately 44% of diabetes, 23% of ischaemic heart disease and 7-41% of certain cancers1

Unfortunately, Australia is at the forefront of the obesity problem and this represents a substantial health, societal and financial issue for all Australians. The most recent Australian Health Survey 2011- 20122 showed that nearly 63% of Australian adults are considered overweight or obese, with 28% considered obese. Data projections to 2025 indicate this figure will rise to 70% and 34% respectively. In terms of population, this would result in an estimated total of 16.9 million Australians being either overweight or obese3

When the average retiree couple spends 7000+ p.a or 140,000 in retirement on medical expenses then You have the option of wandering on an overseas trip or wandering through the medical establishment.

It is your choice.

If you are working & have financial commitments then there are incentives to have your BMI as

the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to this index, someone with a BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight and those with a BMI greater than 30 would be considered obese.’

These incentives can be up to 12% off your Life premiums & one even offers rewards such as air points if you attend a gym.

On our last & 29th day before we admitted that ‘we were ready to go home’ we invested in Levi jeans for $12, tailor made leather shoes for $105 & the dentist we checked offered fillings US$18 – 67 & crowns US$80 & implants US$1640. A fraction of what it is here.

Some observations we took away from Vietnam

·         Learn the names of Vietnamese dishes.

·         Wear shoes as every pavement will stub your toes.

·         All the men smoke.

·         & very scary 99% of children don’t wear helmets on the parent’s scooter. ‘Kids need Lids’.

·         Wander off the beaten tourist track if you are a traveler.

·         Pollution from those 2 stroke scooters could be a major concern as elsewhere demonstrates.

·         We were treated with respect & honesty everywhere as one needs to when there are 92 million living in an area about the size of NZL we guess.

That was completely different from the goon Craig who in flak jacket & sirens & holstered gun accused us of crossing the line twice without indicating. He doesn’t have the authority to issue tickets which is an issue with us. He ‘doesn’t eat fruit cake’ & would be very stressed in Vietnam.

Ps. Why not continue to NOT watch the goons on the news as you will be happier.

As others do if you want to ‘ask us how’ we may have some financial or other ideas for you.

We do have some leading edge financial tools for you.

Only today we read of why having 2 testamentary trusts might be useful & yesterday 19 non drug solutions to back pain that also has a huge financial cost.

We might just help you with coaching your family to do their HW or tutoring for maths Naplan as we have tonight with those we know.

When the rules change as they do including 1st January this year & next the answers change as we discussed with Joe this week.

Call us on 07 3848 1088 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via our website.

John McAuliffe


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Yes that was the Number 1 place to see according to Tripadvisor when we travelled to Quy Nhon which is a city almost no non Vietnamese has heard off.

Life is a beach’ is the name of a backpackers’ place that is in a small shipping village called Bai Xep. There are the fishermen paddling out in their circular wicker ‘dinghies’ to their small blue coloured fishing boats. A very picturesque spot ideal for a jigsaw or a postcard. Yes we did swim there & refresh body & soul. No we didn’t contribute to the Christmas tree constructed using ‘dead’ wine bottles. Chris from Mittagong has The Haven next door booked 3 weeks ahead.

It was here we concluded that the beach is really a place to refresh & review body & soul.

Antony* must agree as he sent this sent us this link whilst we travelled. He called it Freedom, fun and discovery !!!

We planned a year ago for both educational reason & rejuvenation a trip abroad which was not helped by a poor $AUS although that helped many portfolios.

That was the concept & from there we need to turn into reality.

Yes we started by using Kenny a travel agent for our air tickets even though we can all do that online today.

We also used LE travel agent to arrange our ‘independent’ travel within Vietnam as we hadn’t been there before.

So we landed in Hanoi which apart from being propositioned by a ‘sort’ on a scooter & an incident with a taxi with his meter running too fast was a letdown. It shows how the socialist system stymies initiative. We did stay at a 3*+ star hotel which was good & friendly but the 5*we stayed at was cool & expecting tips. They just didn’t care enough.

The organised ‘independent’ tri p started with Ella who was a happy guide who introduces us to egg coffee & showed us around the streets of the Old Quarter & over a prewar 2.4Km bridge over the Red River. Stops that even though we had a map we could not discover.

Then off to Halong Bay. We had heard of this from our tennis playing accountant ‘you know what I mean’.

Halong Bay is a very mystical place & rightly is a UNESCO site. However as the trip to there is a very boring four hours by road then you need to have two nights out in the Bay IMHO.

The next stage of our trip was a twelve overnight ‘rock & roll’ on the Reunification train to Hue. Yes twelve hours in a pre generational sleeping cabin for four. A very good history lesson for others. However the track itself compares more than favorable to that what we read of Australian tracks e.g. SYD to MLB line or QLD.

At Hue we were met by our new guide Minh who guides p.a seventy families, couples & small groups around there & Hoi An. The 5* hotel we stayed at was built by the French a century ago & the bedrooms were huge. However we were ripped off by the laundry bill which we reported on Tripadvisor.

Minh then guided us to Hoi An which is another UNESCO site. Yes a tourist thrashed China town where a major business isw tailored suits for Europeans. It was our 3 hour cycle tour through the paddy fields & flooded coconut grove where the Koreans battled in the ‘American’ war guided by Sue that we enjoyed most.

Our ‘independent’ tour ended in Danang which very soon will look like Surfers as it has a great My Khe beach also known by the marines as China Beach. All the Major Hotel chains are there & it will be a very different place in 5 years. It has an international airport. Harry who escaped there 35 years ago & had not returned could not wipe the happiness & smile off his face.

We stayed at a very happy 3+ Hotel in the city where there was not an English sign to be seen. It was here that we had an Italian wool pair of trousers done for $40. How good is that! It was at the local price as no spoken English at all which meant no cuffs on the trousers.

After several great swims at the beach we decided to check out the opposite direction. When suggested to the Hotel manager she says ‘ you need Easy Rider’. Henry then carried us on his Honda Custom motor cycle over 100K of track & road & byway where there were swarms of scooters & other traffic competing for the same too narrow strip. We recalculated our life cover several times & reflected that we always told clients not to ride in shorts & T shirt. It was ‘Zen & the art of a Motorcycle’.

So for the first half of our Vietnam adventure we thank all the agents & guides who made it fun & possible & who cared. They simply made it rewarding & efficient & we refreshed our ‘battery’.

Yes we have NOT discussed Life is a beach where we wandered & reminded ourselves of 38 years ago.

If as Maria* did to discuss WA vs. her 2 properties here in QLD or

Kerry who wrote when we met up IN HCM

Do you have iPhone with face time? or Skype would do. Let us know hey?....Enjoy your flight and I will catch up with you later. Thuy need to hear what yo have to say me thinks!

Cheers, Kerry

As every Australians’ best friend Scott writes 8 in 10 Aussies work to pay the social security bill of 270B then

Contact us on 07 3848 108807 3848 1088 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us or visit our website.

No we won’t serve egg coffee.

John McAuliffe

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Have  you thought about the financial pressures that can be caused to you if your adult children cant look after themselves?
We all know, that for us baby boomers who are approaching retirement, a serious illness to us can cause a massive financial impact on our cash flow if we are inadequately covered.

But have you thought about the financial pressures that can be caused if our adult children have also gone through a serious illness and too don't have any insurance cover themselves.

Our studies show that parents would do anything for their children under these situations and so, for parents whose adult-children have undergone a serious illness without having a sufficient insurance policy in place, the thought of financial freedom in 'retirement land' is now all but a dream away.

All of a sudden, their non-dependent children invariably become dependent again.

Something you should consider when providing a complete protection plan for your baby-boomer clients is to introduce an income protection policy for their adult children.

This concept may allow your parent clients to maintain their financial retirement goals and reduce future financial stress as they have knowledge that their children also have financial flexibility to support themselves through the insurance they now have in place.

we have been provided a case study to show you the effects on retirement savings when a parent has to financially support their adult children, as well as the effects to the retirement savings if you were to co-fund income protection cover for your adult children.

Case Study:
Consider the case of a retired couple who have $510,000 in super pensions and $20,000 in cash savings. If they budget on spending $45,000 per year between them, which is defined as a 'comfortable' retirement then their annual cash flow needs can be met for 27.7 years.

If they had to spend $400 per week on financially supporting their children, their $45,000 annual living requirements can only be satisfied for 9.9 years.

With this being said, lets now look at the scenario if the parents were to co-fund $1,000 per year for their children's income protection insurance. They're annual cash flow needs extends back out to 25.7 years which becomes a lot more attractive as it brings their retirement spending closer to their original plan.

If you have any questions or queries,

please feel free to contact us on 07 3848 1088 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or go straight to our website  to verify us again as others do.

We believe that we can generate significant financial certainty for you throughout our relationship & importantly add substantial value to ensuring you achieve all that is important & valuable to you as you have articulated to us.

If we were to sit down in three years time & looked back what do we need to do today so that you are financially & personally better off & happier.


‘John, I’m just tired’

Yes that was Gerald* when we rang him on his birthday as we do.

Gerald* tells us that as he has both business debts & his wife has health challenges then he needs to sell his house.

As selling a house is a huge emotional & costly step we suggested ’why don’t you retire’

‘I can’t’ says Gerald.

Yes you can as you are now 60.       

But I can’t afford to stop working’

You can retire & then change your mind as others do.

Confirm that with your accountant just to be sure.

Which is what Holly did& also addedyou only need to retire a day.

So Gerald rang us back & said “John thank you for helping us so much”.

We meet so many who are just ‘tired’

We were referred to Nick* & Ruth* who were very similar.

Nick* self employed Painter at the age of 69 had slowed down as way back lead was added to paint & that catches up with you.

Ruth at 64 was just ‘tired of doing BAS’.

And ‘we have paid always all our taxes’

When you have a 6th Grandchild weighing in at 9lb 14oz then Ruth* wants to be not in her office.

So big questions need to be answered.

Who stops work first?

How much will Centrelink pay?

Do we cancel our ABN?

We asked ‘Do you sell the house as valued at 1.2m’?

Maybe downsize as

Scott Morrison is canvassing bold tax reforms designed to persuade retirees to downsize to smaller homes. 22/11/2015

This would release say 600K but then where do you invest it & neither had any interest in other than term deposits. It also adds to Centrelink assessable assets.

They did have 123K in a good super fund but how much income will that produce?

Can Nick* work part time & how much can he earn as a painter is always going to have some work?

We also asked

What if you have a homestay in your big house?


What about a reverse mortgage ?



When you are tired and you do get to that stage then these are questions that need to be answered.

The easiest process is step by step.

·         Lets Ruth* retire first

·         Let’s use that nominal income from your super

·         Lets then fill out 28 pages with Centrelink

·         Then the house sale when emotionally ready to sell.

·         Then Nick* plays at work.

·         Or some other order.

Step by step & maybe year by year.

As Antony has just stated then all need to start 5 years earlier & overcome their Inertia.

But we can’t & won’t make those emotional decisions for them & nor are we proposing a solution on our first meeting as most expect.

Linda* & Francis* who we have guided are also tired & are into & that step by step process. They retire in March 16 living on the income they were on before they retired.

Linda’s* concern was to qualify for the health card.                                            

We wrote

Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card

Health Care Card, please see the eligibility criteria outlined below:

·     To be eligible for a Centrelink benefit you must meet certain residency Linda* and Francis*, you have requested details of eligibility for the Commonwealth Seniors requirements.

·     Centrelink must be notified within 14 days of any change to your income or assets.

·     To qualify for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card you must:

·         have reached Age Pension age but not qualify for a payment from Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs

·         provide us with you and your partner's tax file numbers, or be granted an exemption from doing so

·         meet an income test, and

·         meet residence requirements

·         You should have an annual income of less than:

·         $52,273 for singles

·         $83,636 for couples combined, or

·         $104,546 for couples combined, couples separated by illness or respite care, or where one partner is in prison

·            Based on this criteria above it would seem likely that you will be eligible for this benefit on Francis’s* full retirement from the workforce therefore meeting the annual income test limits to be eligible for this benefit. We strongly recommend that you contact Centrelink to confirm any benefit which is available to you based on your position at the time of application.

What’s the message??

As we discussed with 2 very helpful call centre ladies today.

& suggested to both that if they didn’t want to end up as one in three ladies =39% do in poverty that they read ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’.

It suggests that as James & Nick* & Ruth* are now discovering that you can have too much house & that doesn’t earn an income when you retire.

As we have asked when you are tired do you want a million house or a million in super?

Yes & very rightly you don’t trust our rulers & hence property must be in your portfolio.

Yes Liberals aren’t liberal in our interpretation of the word.

As others do then if you care for our care then why not our 5 minute financial health checkup

Or contact us on 07 3848 1088 o
r email or visit our website.

We believe that we can generate significant financial certainty for you throughout our relationship & importantly add substantial value to ensuring you achieve all that is important & valuable to you as you have articulated to us.

If we were to sit down in three years time & looked back what do we need to do today
so that you are financially & personally better off & happier.

John McAuliffe

                                        An alternate solution to investing in property

It's pretty well known that we, Australians, love bricks and mortar.

After all it's the "great Australian dream".  And with record low interest rates, property investment is an increasingly attractive option for building wealth. 

But there is one thing that is for sure in relation to property.

For many of us, the price of property has moved well ahead of our ability to get a foot on the ladder.

With that in mind we want to introduce to you an innovative alternative to direct property investing which provides a solution to the 'affordability' issue whilst still enabling you to access specific property investments.

The Fund allows you as a property investor to purchase 'fractional interests' in properties identified by us.

In simplest terms, Fractional Property Investing = Buying Bits of a Property of Your Choice!

This is an innovative way for investors to form a syndicate and together buy ''a holding'' in direct property, rather than buy a whole property that you may not have sufficient funds to otherwise be able to invest in.

In many ways it is like buying a holding in a listed company, except that the holdings that you are buying are in a managed fund that is created over an individual property.

Through fractional property investing, true asset allocation into real property can be achieved at minimal cost and with all the attributes of security, diversification, income and capital growth potential, not to mention choice.

Some thoughts to consider:

  • A lower entry point for property investment
  • The minimum amount to open an account in the Fund is $2,500 with the minimum that can be allocated to a property investment being $2,000
  • Has the potential to minimise your investment risk
  • You can diversify across multiple properties.
For example, you can buy a portion of an apartment in Toorak say , plus a portion of another in Perth say  as well. 

Your investment is contained within a fully regulated managed fund structure with Australia's oldest and largest professional Responsible Entity/ Custodian governing the Fund.

  •   Enjoy transparency and flexibility of your investment
  • You know which specific properties you are invested in and can, in conjunction with your adviser, be involved in the decision-making process.
  • You can buy and sell your units, just like shares. 
  • Still achieve attractive returns from the capital growth and income of your property
  • Track the returns of the property markets of your choice, not just the one you can afford.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us on 07 3848 1088 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or go straight to our website  to verify us again as others do.

We believe that we can generate significant financial certainty for you throughout our relationship & importantly add substantial value to ensuring you achieve all that is important & valuable to you as you have articulated to us.

If we were to sit down in three years time & looked back what do we need to do today so that you are financially & personally better off & happier.

John McAuliffe

Dan asked us to do a talk to a group of probably older & maybe more cynical males than ourselves.

‘But you can’t sell’

‘Would we even bother or try to such a group’.

Give us some ‘parameters’ on what we can & not say as we only know of such groups as our Dad attended them.

As this is to be in March 16 then we have time to plan the ‘lesson’.

What immediately comes to mind is the Big Lie & the white lie.

1. We have to agree with a certain Phil Kearns who with some luck a certain Sean will reciprocate.

I.e. SMSF are NOT what you need.

Even after 31 years in this we don’t have one.

Why not?

We don’t want the responsibilities as super trustees as the rules & regulations change almost daily.

How can we keep up either when we are working or retire?

We don’t have the investment expertise to over a time particularly & maybe only & especially in the down times to match or compete with those who live & breathe it 24/7.

If we don’t comply then there is now a schedule of fees that the crows @ ASIC or ATO want to charge your retirement fund as now they too are on a user pay system & they need to fund it from your super.

Yes you were asked by your accountant to set it up but why did he ask & what is he again. A book-keeper & he just needs another account to charge ever 6 minutes.

If it was your adviser then why did he ask & the same arguments apply.

Can you do that from your aged care ‘cell’?

Ultimately the buck stops with you & after you your wife or kids.

They can do that.

Yeah right.

Jeanine advised us yesterday that they have a technical department on winding them up & yes we do know why & understand why.

2.       Jeanine also asked what about grandparents & yes there will be many grandparents in the room.

As a very recent minister commented at his swearing in, it’s the very 1st grandchild that is the most important.

How do we look after them now, as there are limits on gifting , or later.

       What happens if as there are many blended families & the consequences on that.

We understand that leaving someone out of a will or even a nominal amount means it could be challenged.

Yes a testamentary trust is the ideal option but as there are measurable costs & an Appointors & trustees then that is more applicable for sizable sums.

Yes there is another solution the insurance bond from the past.

It has owners, beneficiaries & Life insured which provides options for distribution.

Or maybe an old whole of life & we have 2 that can go outside the will. [these old guys may have one]

3.       The Public Trustee was also mentioned as 8.5% was the charge that Jeanine had to pay for her late mother in law.

Yes there is a schedule of fees there on the site as easy in often means pain out.

       4 We have this in a recent case that we are doing. The client wanted to consolidate his 2 supers  & as he has 4 children he needs a serious whack of life & other covers.

His first transfer of super went according to the rules of transfer with 3 days but the other union cooperative fund is not cooperating even when all the requirements are satisfied

What pain & time will be taken if there is a claim With this reluctant & unhelpful fund?

This picture from the Australian 21/10/15 says it all .

4.       This group will want or shall we say need to have some awareness of aged care options & Challenges.

As we have very good & only 10 years older mate in a dementia ward then this is a confronting issue.

It will come down to do we sell the house?

One option for many who are cashflow poor & asset rich is reverse mortgages but then the magic of compound interest compounds against you.

Of course as you would expect aged care rules & aged pension rules have a different set of rules & it is a matter of both family wishes & numbers.

It usually happens around Christmas time when the family realises that again you are too hard & let’s find a spot for you

Good luck.

5.       We very recently read that a scary 1 in 10 of the elderly are financially abused . We certainly weren’t aware of that.

IMHO for us it would be give us some medical marijuana & let us be happy.

Yes we have seen a bottle of whisky in other rooms & no doubt that along with a cocktail tray of prescription drugs which may be injected might leave them just a little happy but certainly not as healthy.

6.       Of course retiring & living overseas is another option that could be considered. There is more than a million Aussies overseas & many are retired.

We still recall a meal & meals for 4 in Changmai for $20 dollars at a very good restaurant.

Medical services are certainly cheaper & many are trained over here or in UK.

Property is certainly 1 fraction of prices here although as anywhere there are conditions.

7.       Which leads us to our holistic theme of our is that health & wealth go together.

We do write

In fact we recently heard that 1 in 6 medical diagnosis in Australia as wrong. Globally it is 1 in 4.

It has been documented that in Australia the average retired couple spends $142.30p.w. on health costs.

That’s $7,400p.a. or any extra $147,992 you need in your super.

Don’t you need it more that the medical system?

In the US this couple will spend $220,000 on health costs.

Are they any healthier?

Would you prefer to spend this money on your travels?


Dan as you ‘do enjoy reading this’ then here above are some cynical thoughts for your group & please advise if these fit within your parameters.

Which one would you prefer us to expand on?

We could think of more as this is a very general talk as the facts are in your tablet & none of it will be personal.

7 . Yes to answer the 2nd most boring question

It is what you believe we are worth.

As others do then if you care for our care then why not our 5 minute financial health checkup

 Or contact us on 07 3848 1088 or email or visit our website.

We believe that we can generate significant financial certainty for you throughout our relationship & importantly add substantial value to ensuring you achieve all that is important & valuable to you as you have articulated to us.

If we were to sit down in three years time & looked back what do we need to do today

so that you are financially & personally better off & happier.

John McAuliffe


Lift preservation age to 65, save $7bn annually

Tuesday, 7 July 2015 10:00am

Following successive government plans to lift the age at which retirees can access their age pension, policymakers are pushing ahead with proposals to lift the Preservation Age.

The Productivity Commission (PC) has just released research that they believe shows lifting the Preservation Age from its current 55 (although this varies depending when a person enetered the workforce) to 65 years of age.

According to the PC, lifting the Preservation Age progressively will boost end superannuation retirement nest eggs by an average of 10% in real terms while also saving about $7 billion pa by 2055 in net recurrent fiscal outlays.

Employment participation rates for older workers will obviously increase - the PC estimates by about 2%. The fiscal savings are due mainly to higher aggregate tax receipts from wealthier households.

"The preservation age is considered by some to be an important policy lever in managing the transition to an older Australia. The Commission has found that, consistent with expectations, raising the preservation age encourages some people to work longer and accumulate more superannuation," they noted in their report.

However, the PC added that "changing the Preservation Age will have little, if any, impact on the workforce participation of individuals who retire involuntarily - [which accounts for] almost one half of men and over one-third of women who retire between the ages of 60 and 64."

The previous Rudd government in 2009 lifted the age at which retirees born after 1957 to 67 years can access their age pension. The Abbott government increased this eligibility age to 70 years for people born after 1952.


If possible if there is any spare cash in the investment account, could it please be transferred. Coming up to my daughter’s wedding this month the money would be handy for some expenses. Could you please forward the necessary form for the transfer and I will scan and send back.



All up $16,000 we are paying 1/3. Can you please send the form at your convenience.


That would NOT be the first time either that Robert* has needed to subsidise his daughter for some need or want although it is her first wedding.

Robert* might then need to top up the house deposit that his daughter needs. This could be 10% or more & possibly close to 100,000 due to children needing a Longer and bigger savings for home deposit .

Again we ask & Robert* should too ‘What if?

These wouldn’t be unusual circumstances & many parents may well be asked to be guarantor or mortgage their own houses.

Stacey* & Andrew* would be client examples as they are guarantors but they haven’t organised their children as ‘you don’t know our kids’. So they still are responsible for their kids’ debts if whoops happens.

We have Mary* now very concerned about her son Joseph. He is renting her rental property & Mary* needs the ‘peace of mind’ if anything should happen to him. Joseph is not earning much & as self employed then any accident or illness or worst means that Mary has to care for him & also meet the mortgage repayments. As with nearly all rental properties there is a negative cashflow that Mary subsidises from her two low incomes. Mary certainly could not afford to pay two mortgages as she won’t expel her son & family if he was disabled.

We are all the same and we don’t imagine ourselves to be any different

Hence somepennies in the Dollar’ makes sense as it always does.

We also comment that making your parents beneficiaries under your super doesn’t comply with super rules & hence would go to the estate. Spouses & Partners & children may come first.

Good luck Robert* & Mary*.

Now Robert* & Mary* may want to leave them what’s left once they pass on. We only read today of the challenge to Richie’s estate.

And another article today is CAN your adult children handle an inheritance?

We have some new & exciting financial tools including debt reduction & estate planning t& of course other including wisdom that you may find helpful.

We comment that having visited our ex tennis partner in aged care then Robert* & Mary* need to look after themselves first. It is ‘very confronting’ what one observes in aged care.

As Robert* , Mary* & others do then if you care for our care then why not our 5 minute financial health checkup

Or contact us on 07 3848 1088 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our website.

We believe that we can generate significant financial certainty for you throughout our relationship & importantly add substantial value to ensuring you achieve all that is important & valuable to you as you have articulated to us.

If we were to sit down in three years time & looked back what do we need to do today so that you are financially & personally better off & happier.

John McAuliffe

The AIOFP has won a tender process with Holden GM to provide financial advice services to employees set to be made redundant over the next two years.

Today's News

With the much-publicised closure of Holden’s manufacturing operations in South Australia, between 40,000 and 80,000 employees will become eligible for a company-subsidised financial advice consultation as part of their redundancy packages.

An email from a Holden corporate administration executive, seen by ifa, confirms that the AIOFP won the successful tender process for the provision of “financial services” to redundant employees.

AIOFP members who are accredited with the association’s Certified Financial Strategist (CFS) program will now be eligible to receive $300 from Holden to be put towards sessions, with the first of these seminars taking place in recent weeks.

Peter Johnston, the association’s founder and executive director, said the non-aligned structure of his members was a clincher in securing the deal.

We believe the qualities of the CFS designation was the critical point of difference in our tender document,” Mr Johnston said.

“The choice of either institutional or industry fund financial planners with their obvious product bias and conflicts compared to an independently-owned financial strategist with a tertiary education, non-conflicted research, ASX experience and a minimum of 3 years' field experience created a compelling advantage for the AIOFP.”

We wrote to Ross* after a recent review

We appreciate your statement ‘ that we are the only one that you would trust with your money’. Thank you very much for that strong & reassuring endorsement and we did suggest that we place your credit cards in your file here so that You & they would be less stressed & certainly less maxed.

Ross* knows he can’t trust himself as he has built up a serious credit card debt due to his ‘fun loving lifestyle’.

We were very serious about placing his credit card in his files with us as he was too happy to admit that he has unused credit facilities of 100,000.

The very recent leadership change was all about trust.

What is trust?

The school in a recent newsletter Trust me wrote a serious academic essay on the subject with research sources attached. Read here.

Now when someone says, ‘Trust me’, perhaps you might think of core values, economic drivers, scientific research or cultures of trust.

We also note ‘Hence, teachers’ competence and expertise are more trust inducing for students’ sustained learning than affability.’

So to add to our wall of qualifications we recently completed & passed

Accredited Listed Product Adviser Program ALPA

We believe trust is all about care.

Our car is being serviced today by Greg & we know that Greg cares about the cars he works on.

Does the big bank that wants another 1,000,000 customers really care about you??

Does that huge super fund with 1,000,000 members really care about you??

Face to face is frequently mentioned in the research article to be Read here

Yes we believe that is what we offer to clients which means we have had clients for 30 years. Our police clients haven’t tasered us yet although with their similar spending habits to Ross* we certainly need to restrain ourselves from doing so to them.

As Ross* & others do then if you care for our care then why not our 5 minute financial health checkup

Or contact us on 07 3848 1088 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our website.

John McAuliffe

POOR health will make working longer a challenge for about a quarter of Australians aged in their 60s when the pension age is raised to 70, a report predicts.

IT says the majority of retired or unemployed Australians in their 60s will not have enough superannuation to fund their retirement in 2035, when the federal government plans to lift the age pension access age to 70.

The modelling by AMP and NATSEM shows one in four men and one in five women aged in their 60s will be in fair or poor health in 2035, reducing their ability to work and save for a quality retirement.

For those people, the majority of men and more than two-thirds of women are likely to be unemployed.

"It is these Australians who may struggle to participate in the workforce if the pension age is increased to 70 years," the report, released on Thursday, says.

AMP chief customer officer Paul Sainsbury says Australians are living longer but more years in retirement places more strain on superannuation balances so many people will need to work longer.

"Early years in retirement should be a transition period with reduced levels of work, giving people more time to focus on their interests and wellbeing, while still saving money," he said.


* Working longer a challenge for 25.6 per cent of men, 20.4 per cent of women in fair/poor health aged 60-69

* 65.1 per cent of men, 72.1 per cent of women in fair/poor health likely unemployed in their 60s

* 48 per cent of people now 40-54 and in very good health likely to decline to fair/poor health

* For those now 65-69 and in good health, 33.1 per cent likely to be working; 15.7 per cent if in fair/poor health.

(Source: AMP and NATSEM (National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling) income and wealth report.)

·         AAP

·         June 10, 2015 5:18PM

As this is a core belief of our & as we advised clients yesterday we have reached retirement age & still jogged to local shops before a beer.

I.e. it works for us.

For our solution to your probable problem there is a meeting here in Brisbane on 18th June.

Otherwise ask us for our two page explanation why everyone should take the ‘leap of faith’.

Could this be you or your loved ones?

We believe that we can generate significant financial certainty for you throughout our relationship & importantly add substantial value to ensuring you achieve all that is important & valuable to you as you have articulated to us.

If we were to sit down in three years time & looked back what do we need to do today so that you are financially & personally better off & happier.

As others do call us on  07 3848 108807 3848 1088 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.r visit our new website

John McAuliffe

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John Michael McAuliffe AFA, DipFp., BSc., DipTeach.